Dr Hamid RavanbodPodiatric Foot & Ankle Surgeon

Dr. Hamid Ravan Bod is one of the few foot surgeons with a master's in general podiatry, an international medical degree and a doctorate in rheumatology from an Australian university. In addition to being a podiatric surgeon, he is also an expert in integrative medicine and public health.
Dr. Ravanbod has the most extensive knowledge of foot and ankle diseases and is able to treat any foot or ankle condition using surgical or non-surgical techniques. He has spent more than 20 years pursuing postgraduate degrees in medicine, of which nearly 10 years have been spent treating foot and ankle disorders.
Medicine is not limited to prescribing medications or surgery on bones and tissues. Any medical intervention should be weighed against its long- and short-term adverse effects. Dr. Ravanbod has studied multiple postgraduate degrees to consider these points more efficiently and offer his patients more therapeutic options.
A holistic approach is necessary for foot and ankle surgery because the foot and ankle support the skeletal system and any alterations to the feet should have long-term positive effects on other skeletal structures.
During your initial consultations with Dr Ravan Bod, your potential surgical and non-surgical treatment options will be discussed. This includes thoroughly discussing the benefits and drawbacks of all available treatment options and the customization of those options to your specific situation. Then, you will make an informed decision about your treatment. Your selected option and its advantages and disadvantages will be outlined in an agreement covering your treatment objectives, duration to achieve those objectives, and success estimate.
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